Answered by Shaykh Yusuf Weltch
Question Answer
Is it permissible for a woman to perform the ritual bath (ghusl) from her menses in the ocean if done in a way that others cannot see? Advise me how performing the ghusl in a shower can be made easier?
Question Answer
In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Compassionate
It is permissible for a woman to perform the ghusl in the ocean as long as this is done such that others cannot see her or the shape of her body. It is safe to say that the water will reach the parts of the body, even through the clothing.
Performing the Ghusl in a Shower
One should not encounter difficulty performing the ghusl in a shower. The nature of water is that it reaches even the most hard-to-reach places of the body without assistance.
If one stands beneath the showerhead and moves around so that the water can reach all sides of their body, it is highly unlikely that there remains any part of the body that water has not reached.
Sometimes out of sincerity, we strive to be overly cautious and end up making simple things (like performing the ghusl in the shower) very difficult.
What is True Caution?
True caution is to follow the Sunna of the Prophet (may Allah bless him and give him peace).
The sunna in the ghusl is to wash all sides of the body thrice using the hands to guide the water around the body. Once this is done (and it should only take a few minutes at the most), one can be certain that water has reached everywhere.
Misgivings (Waswasa)
For the one who is constantly in doubt, abandoning caution is the best cure.
“As for the one who is often inflicted with misgivings, it is necessary for them to sever the cause of the misgivings and not to give it any consideration. This is because it is the doing of Shaytan, and we have been commanded to oppose him.” [Ibn ‘Abidin, Radd al-Muhtar]
The long-term cure for these constant doubts is to seek a deeper understanding of Islamic Knowledge.
With knowledge, Shaytan can not deceive you with his whispers and plots. I would advise that you find authentic scholars in your area and study with them a basic text in Islamic Jurisprudence.
Please note that has classes available in Islamic Jurisprudence and many other subjects.
Hope this helps
Allah knows best
[Shaykh] Yusuf Weltch
Checked and Approved by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani