Question: How do I treat myself for envy?
In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Compassionate,
Envy/jealousy are destructive traits that one should strive to remove. The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) said, “Verily, envy consumes good deeds just as fire consumes firewood.” [Abu Dawud]
How To Treat Envy
There are essentially two types of treatment for envy and other blameworthy traits.
The first type is based on perception. All blessings, whether religious or worldly, are from Allah Most High alone. Allah Most High gives His blessings to whom He wishes and is All-Wise in what He does. Thus, being bothered at the blessings of others is tantamount to objecting to Allah that Allah has given His blessings to the wrong person. [Ghazali, Ihya Ulum al-Din]
The second type is based on action. In order to remove envy from the heart, one should deeply reflect on the above perspective and then strive to implement the following advice: [Ibid.]
(1) Seek Allah’s forgiveness and reject envious thoughts whenever they come to your mind. [Ibid.]
(2) Beseech Allah Most High to increase those of whom one is envious in His blessings. Specifically, ask Allah Most High to give them that which you deeply desire for yourself from Allah Most High. [Ibid.]
(3) Never allow your resentments to cause you to object to Allah Most High or to hold such blameworthy traits toward others.
Getting One’s Life In Order
You have mentioned your resentments to your own personal failures. It is okay to be critical of yourself and hold yourself to the standard of your potential. However, refrain from comparing yourself to others and their successes. Rather compare yourself to your potential.
If you find that you are not living up to your potential, do not allow this to cause you to become pessimistic or defeatist. Rather, examine what it is that is stopping you from progressing toward your goals. Am I doing all that I can to reach my goals? Am I doing things that are holding me back or are counter-productive? Rectify and strive.
There is nothing wrong with permissible worldly pursuits. However, strive to make your pursuit congruent with your ultimate pursuit, your life’s purpose – gaining the good pleasure of Allah Most High. Have high intentions in your pursuit of a career and give time, as well, to working on your heart and fueling your relationship with Allah Most High.
I hope this helps,
Allah knows best.
[Shaykh] Yusuf Weltch
Checked and Approved by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani