Answered by SunniPath Answer Service Team
Fiqh of Death : A Reader
Wa alaykum Assalam wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuhu,
In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful & Compassionate
The following are a collection of links on Fiqh of Death.
4.Dealing With Death & How To Benefit The Dead
5.More On Husband Bathing His Wife After Her Death
9.Death before 40 guarantees heaven?
10.Reading Surah Ya Sin for the dead
11.Fiqh of Funerals and Funeral Prayers
12.Which duas and parts of the Qur’an should be read when visiting a graveyard?
13.If a man dies, is his wife allowed to see him before burial?
14.Is a Muslim burial required?
15.Janazah -Death and Burial of a Muslim from Taleem ul Haq
May Allah `Azza wa Jall guide us all to the way most beloved to Him,
Hanafi Fiqh Team