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Death: the shore of safety where real life begins… dealing with loss of a parent

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Qibla.com

Answered by Shaykh Gibril F Haddad

I have a friend who is a girl I respect as a sister. Her father has recently past away and she is very confused on a lot of things to a certain extent she is questioning faith. I was just wondering if you could give any advice for her to keep her mind at ease and be able to accept the death of her father. Any advice will be much appreciated.

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Wa `alaykum as-Salam:

Allah Most High created us and takes us back to Him where He desires to give us real life which is unending and complete, unlike this life.

He is most cherishing and knows we hate death but He also desires for us to meet Him and death is the necessary passage to that most desirable meeting– the shore of safety where real life begins.

So death is only one of the tests of this life in which our link to our Beloved Lord, our love of Him, is tested. If we truly love our parents we would want for them and for us to pass this test and gain possession of a blessed reward no eye has seen nor any mind can imagine.

So, patience and strength in such tests are our opportunity for us to try and reap that immense reward. Keep a good opinion of our Creator Who is more merciful to us than many fathers and mothers put together.

May Allah guide you and us to what He loves and commands for us which is for our own good and our salvation.


Hajj Gibril

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