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How can I improve my bad breath and remove acne on my face?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Muftisays.com
I have a bad breath, tried to solve it with dentist, but there is no improvement. Can you plz tell me what I do. I have also acne on my face plz tell me to remove it.


Wa Alaikumus Salam,

There are countless benefits in using a Miswaak.

It is permissible to take for a Miswaak of all types of tree twigs, which
are not harmful or poisonous. Here are a few types of Miswaak. Peelo tree, Olive (zaitoon), tree, Bitam, Any bitter tree, Walnut tree.

Abu Hurairah (R) said:”I have used the Miswaak before sleeping, after rising, before eating and after eating, ever since I heard the Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) advising so’.” (Musnad Ahmad)

Regarding acne, we would suggest that you consult a specialist. They can advise you better medically. Also, regular Du’aa, humbleness and acceptance of the Will of Allah (swt) are essentials.

You can find some helpful information here: http://hcd2.bupa.co.uk/fact_sheets/Mosby_factsheets/acne.html

And Allah Ta’aala knows best

Maulana Muhammad

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This answer was collected from MuftiSays.com, based in London (UK). It is one of the fruits of Darul Uloom London. Many ‘ulama are involved in answering the Q&A on the site, including: Shaikul Hadeeth Mufti Umar Farooq Sahib, Mufti Saifur Rahman Sahib, Mufti Abdullah Patel Sahib, Maulana Qamruz Zaman Sahib, Mufti Abu Bakr Karolia Sahib.

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