I had some people pray in my house, in my bedroom, in a way that three people, who were standing in a row, were sharing the same prayer rug, which was spread breadth-wise in front of them. The feet of these three persons were on the wall-to-wall carpet, not on the prayer rug.
I am now thinking that the general area of the wall-to-wall carpet where they were praying and where their feet were placed may possibly have had najasah on it. I don’t have certainty (yaqeen) that this is indeed the case, and there are no physical traces of najasah there, but I feel that drops of najasah may possibly have been dropped there at an earlier time. Upon reflection, I can’t quite make up my mind *how* likely the presence of impurity was (whether it’s a low probability, or a medium probability or a high probability).
This being the case, was the prayer of these three people valid or should I tell them to repeat it?
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