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Which body hair should be removed according to Islamic teachings?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Muftisays.com
Respectable schollars,
Iwant to ask the hairs of what part of body should be removed according to islamic teachings?


Assalamu alaikum

Al-Jawab billahi at-taufeeq (the answer with Allah’s guidance)

The following is an extract from Bahisti Zewar, which answers your question.

Rules concerning hair

1. It is sunnah to grow one’s hair on the entire head till the ear lobes or
slightly below them. If a person wishes to shave his head, it is sunnah to
shave the entire head. It is also permissible to merely clip the hair.
However, it is not permissible to clip all the hair and leave the front
portion long, as is the fashion today. Similarly, it is also not permissible
to shave a portion and leave another portion long. From this we deduce that it is not permissible to sport the babri hairstyle (or to cut the hair in
the shape of a cap or to shape the front part of the hair).

2. If the hair has been lengthened considerably, it is not permissible to
tie it into a tail like women.

3. It is Harâm for women to shave the head or clip the hair on the head. The Hadith has cursed such women.

4. It is sunnah to clip the moustache to such an extent that it is clipped
to the skin. There is a difference of opinion with regard to shaving the
moustache. According to some it is a bid’ah, while others have permitted it. Caution demands that one does not shave it.

5. It is permissible to lengthen the moustache on the sides on the condition that the area above the lips is not lengthened.

6. It is harâm to shave or clip the beard. However, it is permissible to
clip it if it is longer than the length of one fist. Similarly, it is
permissible to clip it on all the sides in such a way that it becomes neat
and straight (provided it is beyond one fist).

7. It is permissible to clip the hair and straighten the hair line that
grows on the cheeks. Similarly, it is also permissible to straighten and cut
the eyebrows a wee bit.

8. The hair on the throat should not be shaven. However, it has been related
from Abû Yûsuf rahmatullâhi ‘alayh that there is no harm in this.

9. Shaving the hair of the lower lip is regarded as a bid’ah by the jurists.
Therefore this should not be done. Similarly, they have said that it is
makruh to remove the hair that is on the nape of the neck.

10. It is not permissible to pluck out grey hairs merely for the purposes of
beautification. However, it is better for the mujâhidîn to do so in order to
instil fear and awe in the hearts of the enemy.

11. The hair of the nose should not be tweezed out. Instead, it can be

12. It is permissible to remove the hair that is on the chest and back.
However, it is not good to do so.

13. It is preferable for men to remove the hair of the pubic region from
just below the navel onwards. When shaving, they should commence from below the navel. It is also permissible to use sulphurate of arsenic and other preparations (such as hair-removing creams, etc.) to remove the hair of the pubic region. As for women, the sunnah method is that they should remove the hair of the pubic region by pinching it out or tweezing it out and that they should not use a shaving machine.

14. It is preferable to remove the hair of the arm pits by tweezing them.
However, it is permissible to shave them.

15. As for the hair of the balance of the body, it is permissible to shave
it or retain it.

16. It is also sunnah to clip the nails of the feet. However, it is mustahab
for the person who is engaged in jihad not to clip his moustache and nails.

17. It is preferable to clip the finger nails in the following order:

commence with the index finger of the right hand until you reach the little
finger. Thereafter, commence with the little finger of the left hand until
you reach the thumb of the left hand. Thereafter, complete by clipping the
thumb of the right hand. As for the toe nails, commence with the little toe
of the right foot and end with the little toe of the left foot. This is the
preferable method. However, it is permissible to clip in any way that may be contrary to this method.

18. Clipped nails and hair should be buried. If they are not buried, they
should at least be kept in a safe place. However, they should not be kept in any impure, dirty place as there is the fear of falling ill.

19. It is not good to bite the finger nails as this is a cause of leprosy.

20. It is makruh to trim the hair, clip the nails and remove pubic hair
while one is in a state of impurity.

21. It is preferable to remove the pubic hair, hair of the arm-pits, nails,
to have a bath and cleanse oneself at least once a weak. It is best to do
all this on a Friday before going for the jumu’ah salât. If one cannot do
this on a weekly basis, he should carry it out every fortnight. If not, at
least every forty days. There is no concession beyond forty days. If forty
days expire and the person does not carry out the above, he will be
committing a sin.

And Only Allah Ta’ala Knows Best.

Moulana Qamruz Zaman
London, UK

Original Source Link

This answer was collected from MuftiSays.com, based in London (UK). It is one of the fruits of Darul Uloom London. Many ‘ulama are involved in answering the Q&A on the site, including: Shaikul Hadeeth Mufti Umar Farooq Sahib, Mufti Saifur Rahman Sahib, Mufti Abdullah Patel Sahib, Maulana Qamruz Zaman Sahib, Mufti Abu Bakr Karolia Sahib.

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