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Is it permissible to pray Basmala Jahran in the last few surahs when finishing the Quran?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Muftisays.com
salaams. i would like to know the rule of praying basmala jahran (loudly) in the last few surahs when the quraan is being finished!!
Is it permissible or what??
it would be helpful if you could answer by tonight!!


Al-jawab billahi at-taufeeq (the answer with Allah’s guidance)

To read Tasmiyyah (Bismillah…) between two Surahs in the Faraidh (obligatory) and Tarawih prayers etc, is virtues. However, the Tasmiyyah must be read quietly whether in Sirri (silent recital prayers) or Jahri (loud recital prayers).

During Salatut Tarawih the Tasmiyyah must be read out loudly once, so that the Quran is completed. (Ahsanul Fataawa Vol. 3 Pg. 519)

This is according to Imam Abu Hanifah (RA). (Raddul Muhtar Vol. 1 Pg. 458)

Whilst according to Imam Shafi’ (RA) the recital of Tasmiyyah loudly before a Surah in Tarawih Salah is virtues.

And Only Allah Ta’ala Knows Best.

Moulana Qamruz Zaman
London, UK

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This answer was collected from MuftiSays.com, based in London (UK). It is one of the fruits of Darul Uloom London. Many ‘ulama are involved in answering the Q&A on the site, including: Shaikul Hadeeth Mufti Umar Farooq Sahib, Mufti Saifur Rahman Sahib, Mufti Abdullah Patel Sahib, Maulana Qamruz Zaman Sahib, Mufti Abu Bakr Karolia Sahib.

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