1. Should the wife give preference to listening to her shaikh’s bayaan or to do what the husband requests at that time.
2. Should the wife give preference to listening to the bayaan of an aalim that is a khalifah of her shaikh or to do what the husband requests at that time.
3. Should a wife give preference to read her wazifas for 1 hour or more when she wakes up around 8am or should she be attending to her husband’s needs.
4. Is it permissible for a wife to play nazams and qiraat loudly in the house when she knows it causes a disturbance to the husband?
5. Is is permissible to play qiraat loudly in the house when other members of the family are sleeping?
6. Is it appropriate for the mother of children to let them sleep till 10am or 11am on Sundays and holidays? Should she not be inculcating the habit in them of waking up early and doing some work?
1 – 2. She should listen to her husband.
3. She should attend to the husband’s needs and then complete the wazeefahs.
4. She should avoid this.
5. The mother should be instilling the right type of tarbiyat and values in her children.
And Allah Ta’ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
Answered by:
Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)