Q: I would like to know where do I stand in a situation whereby my husband is in ownership of a shop. He has a manageress who is not in purdah and only hijaab. She is young. There are 2 other black workers with them. He communicates with her on whatsapp and phone about the shop. I am not happy as I believe that it is a dangerous situation whereby shaytaan can play a major role discreetly. He is adamant that nothing will happen. My opinion is to keep her on probation until a male is available which he refuses to do. Being an aalim I would have thought he would know better. Please advise as it is causing a lot of stress to me n a lot of arguments.
A: The better thing is not to keep a woman at all on account of the fitnahs that are prevalent in this day and age. Either if he is interested in her he should marry and if he is not interested then he should keep her out entirely.
And Allah Ta’ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
Answered by:
Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)