Is it aloud to make the Du’aa made in various timings (like after Salaat and other times both with raised hands and without) non verbally i.e. formulating the wished Du’aa (or the authentic Du’aas from Qur’an and Hadith) in ones heart and saying it in mind and not saying it with tongue.
And is this also aloud inside Salaah (like reading the Du’aas in Tashahhud, Sajdah etc)
Was salaam
Yes, it is allowed to make Du’aa in various times with the raising of the hands and without it by formulating the desired dua. But in Salaah one should read Du’aas from the Qur’an or Hadith.
And Allah Ta’ala knows best
Mufti Muhammad Ashraf
Darul Iftaa
Jameah Mahmoodiyah
09 May 2007
20 Rabee’uth Thaani 1428
This Q&A was indexed in 2012 from the website of Jameah Mahmoodiyah, South Africa. The original website no longer exists.