Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Mahmoodiyah » Mistake in Qiraa’ah in Salaah

Mistake in Qiraa’ah in Salaah

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Mahmoodiyah


Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu

Please note the following situations both for this Surah and for Surah Fatihah
1)- Read “Ina anzalna hoo fee laila til qadr. Laila tul qadri Hairum min
————” missed 2nd Ayah (verses) of this Surah
2)- Read “Ina anzalna hoo fee laila til qadr. Wama adraka ma laila tul qadr.
Laila til qadri Hairum min ————” read til instead of tul
2)- Read “Wateeni wazitooni———-ilalazeena aamanoo wa amilussalihati wa
tawasau bilhaqi wa tawasau bissabr” started Surah Teen and ended Surah

Answer as per the details asked in below mentioned question

Q: recited Surah Fatihah or Surah wrongly and could not re-read correctly.
During Namaaz he realized about his mistake or if he finished the Namaaz,
after salaam he realized, then what to do. (Prayer (Salaat))

Assalamualaikum. Respected Mufti Sahab Kindly guide me. If, someone recited
Surah Fatihah or subsequent Surah wrongly and could not re-read correctly.
1)- During Ruku or afterwards in Namaaz he realized about his mistake, then
what to do. 2)- What if he finished the Namaaz and after salaam he realized,
then what to do.




Reciting the entire Surah Fatihah in Salaah is Waajib. If a verse is omitted forgetfully, then one has to make Sajdah Sahw and if a verse is left out intentionally, then the Salaah performed will be rendered void.

In the remaining instances, apparently the meaning of the Surah did not change; therefore the Salaah will be correct.

And Allah Ta’ala knows best

Nezaam bin Yahya Ali

Attested to as correct by:

Mufti Muhammad Ashraf

Darul Iftaa

Jameah Mahmoodiyah



15 August 2005

09 Rajab 1426

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