Q1-I was told by a Mufti sahib that if a Muqtadi comes late and joins the Imam in Ruku then after raising hands for Takbeer Tahreemah he should drop the hands on the sides and not fold the hands then saying the second Takbeer he should join the Imam in Ruku the reference given was that it has been stated in Ad-Durrul Mukhtaar, 2/187 that a person should fold the hands in Salaat where he is stopping for a while and also there is Masnoon Zikr and in the above situation the Muqtadi goes into Ruku straight after saying Takbeer Tahreemah so is the above method mentioned by the Mufti sahib correct?
Q2-If the Muqtadi or Masbooq comes late and joins the Imam in other postures other than Qiyaam e.g. the Muqtadi is about to join the Imam in Ruku, Sajdah, Jalsah etc when should the Muqtadi or Masbooq read Thanaa and when shouldn’t the Muqtadi or Masbooq read Thanaa?
Q3-As mentioned in Question 1 that it has been stated in Ad- Durrul Mukhtaar that in Salaat in Qiyaam if a person is stopping for a while and also there is Zikr e Masnoon then it is Masnoon to fold the hands then why don’t we fold hands in Qaumah when standing up from Ruku? please provide reference to answers
Jazakumullah and request for your pious Du’aas, Wassalaam
- A Muqtadi who arrives late for Salaah and wishes to join the Imam in Ruku (without reciting Thanaa), should immediately go down into Ruku, after raising the hands for Takbeer-e-Tahreemah without folding the hands thereafter. (Ahsanul Fataawaa Vol. 3, page 287)
However, if he wishes to recite Thanaa after the Takbeer-e-Tahreemah then he should fold his hands before going into Ruku.
- If the Muqtadi joins the Imam in Ruku or the first Sajdah and feels that he will catch up with the Imam in that posture after reciting Thanaa then he should recite it, otherwise not. If the Muqtadi joins the Imam in Qa’dah or the second Sajdah then it will be better to join the Imam without reciting Thanaa. (Raddul Muhtaar Vol. 1, page 361)
- All the Fuqahaa are unanimous that the hands should be left loose on the side after standing up from Ruku though there is a difference of opinion with regards to its reasoning. Some are of the opinion that this standing after Ruku is not of a reasonable amount which is required for the hands to be folded. (Raddul Muhtaar Vol. 1, page 360, Haashiyatut Tahtawee Alaa Muraqil Falaah page 140)
And Allah Ta’ala knows best
Qasim bin Hashim Limbada
Attested to as correct by:
Mufti Muhammad Ashraf
Darul Iftaa
Jameah Mahmoodiyah
22 July 2004
04 Jumaadul Ukhraa 1425