Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Jamia Binoria » Is it compulsory for women to go to Masjid and perform Namaz?

Is it compulsory for women to go to Masjid and perform Namaz?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Jamia Binoria

Assalamu Alaikum
Is it compulsory (Fardh) for women to go to Masjid and perform Namaz?
Is there any Ayath in Qur’an by-which it is established that it is necessary for women to go to Masjid and perform Namaz?
If Allah has commanded so in Qur’an then why do the respected Ulemas dislike the women going to Masjid and performing Namaz?
In CDs of some Madrasas here in Canada (Specially of Dr Farhath Hashimis Al Huda International) it is being taught to women that Allah’s command is there in Qur’an that women should perform Namaz in Masjid. Please guide us in this regard by answering in detail

الجواب حامدا و مصلیا

Neither in any Ayath of Qur’an e Kareem nor in any authentic, clear and unquestionable Hadees it is mentioned that it is compulsory for them to perform Salath in Masjids and non-executed otherwise. Whereas there are many Ahadees available prohibiting women from going to Masjid and performing Salath, and encouraging them to perform Salath in the most covered and enclosed part of the house citing it to be excellent. And if the concerned Doctor can highlight the Ayaath of Qur’an e Kareem in connection with the order arranged, perusal can be done on them too.
Allah knows best.

This Q&A was indexed from the official english fatwa portal of Jamia Binoria. It is an Islamic educational institute in Karachi, Pakistan.

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