Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Jamia Binoria » Qaza Prayer for more then a year or Qaza-e-Umri – قضاء عمری

Qaza Prayer for more then a year or Qaza-e-Umri – قضاء عمری

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Jamia Binoria

I have questions about qaza namaz ( qaza namaz e umri) for more than a year.
1. is this compulsory to offer fix number of pryaers per day. E.g; do I need to offer 10-qaza namaz per day or I may offer according to my choice and feasiblity? (Like 3 qaza namaz in one day and 2 qaza namaz on another day as per I find time and easy for me).
2. Is this correct if I offer my qaza namaz per year wise e.g; I offer all fajar qaza namaz of year 1991 first and then offer all zuhar qaza namaz of 1991 and likewise all namaz (asar, magharb and eesha)? After completing all qaza namaz of year 1991 then I start offering qaza namz of year 1992 in the same sequence.Like faja qaza namaz of year 1992 first then zuhar of 1992 and so on.
3. It was mentioned in a Barelvi site that Namaz performed with Makrooh e Thahreemi should be repeated and the book Rad ul Mukhthar was quoted for reference but I read in a book written by a Deobandi scholar that the Namaz becomes valid with Makrooh e Thahreemi but the performer becomes a sinner and this book was written by Ikram ul Haq Sahib. Please be kind enough to send the correct answer.
may ALLAH always smile upon you. amin

الجواب حامدا و مصلیا

1,2 As for the performance of Qadh Namaz, methods mentioned by the questioner too are permissible. But the easier and the better way is to calculate the number of Namaz missed since attending adulthood, in actual if possible or with a probable guessing, and then to perform a Qadha of the Fardh Namaz of the time along with the timely Fardh Namaz, before or after it, by taking in to consideration the Makrooh time of praying. Niyyath for same could be kept, for example as, I am performing the first Zuhar Namaz which was missed by me or I am performing the latest Zuhar Namaz which was due upon me.
3 Let it be known that whatever Namaz performed with Makrooh e Thahreemi should be repeated within the time of that Namaz as per the unanimous opinion of the Jurists. But if it was not repeated during its time then there is difference of opinion among the jurists as to whether it is Musthahab or Wajib to repeat it later, and the accepted opinion here too is that it is Wajib to repeat it later too.

This Q&A was indexed from the official english fatwa portal of Jamia Binoria. It is an Islamic educational institute in Karachi, Pakistan.

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