As a Muslim can i say words like NAMASTE OR NAMASKAR OR PRANAM. I LIVE in india and majority of the people say these words to greet each other. Can i as a Muslim say these words under compulsory circumstances. Or with the intention that i do not believe in the meaning of these words??
Greeting someone with Namaste, Namaskar or Pranam is not permissible as these are religious greetings of another religious community. Thus, as symbols of Hinduism, a Muslim cannot utter these greetings.[1]
As for compulsory circumstances, do you mean when one’s life or limb is at risk, or they are threatened by a mob? If so, this could be excusable. As for general social pressure to conform to one’s surroundings, this is not an excuse.
Muslims have been in India for centuries. While I understand that the political situation in India might perturb some anxiety in the Muslims of India, it is important that we maintain the dignity of our faith and ourselves as believers, as far as possible. Adab is a greeting historically associated with the Muslim masses of India – offer this as a greeting in response. This will convey the sentiments of civility you are intending, whilst also fortifying your honour and identity as a Muslim.
We pray that Allah grants honour and victory to the Muslims of India, and safeguards them from oppression, indignation, and tyranny. Ameen.
Answered by:
Maulana Ikramul Hoque Miah
Checked & Approved by:
Mufti Abdul Rahman Mangera
Mufti Zubair Patel
[1] Mufti Kifayat Allah al-Dihliwi, Kifāyat al-Muftīi 9:109;
Mufti Mahmud Hasan Gangohi, Fatawa Maḥmudiyya, 19: 91-3; 96-7;
Mufti Salman Mansurpuri, Kitab al-Nawazil, 5:571-5.