Muhtaram Mufti Sahib,
Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,
Due to the very high and frequent incidents of shoe thefts, we –as the Shura of the Masjid- intend installing locks and doors on the shoe racks, so that people can be at ease that their shoes will not be stolen whilst they pray. For these locks, we intend charging a fee.
Can you please be kind enough to respond to the following queries:
1) Is it permissible to install these locks?
2) Can we use lillah money? If yes, what if some of those who donated object?
3) Can we sell charge a fee for these locks? Bear in mind that there will be shoe racks with no locks for those who do not intend paying?
4) Will the money attained from the sales of the shoe racks also be waqf? How can it be used?
Jazakallah and thanks so much
Wa’alaykum as Salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,
It is permissible for the Mutawallis of the Masjid to install locks and doors on the shoe racks if there is a need to do so. The same rule that governs the permissibility of placing a lock on the front door, door and lock on the toilets, microphone receiver, etc. will apply to that of the shoe racks in the case of wanton theft of shoes.
In the instance of your Masjid, the reason for implementing this resolution – one being of ‘very high and frequent incidents of shoe thefts’ – will be a justifiable one in terms of Shariah. Our eminent jurists clearly stated the permissibility of locking up certain portions of the Masjid. (See Fataawa Mahmoodiyyah Vol. 15 Pg. 195)
As far as leasing out these shoe racks (or for that matter a Waqf property) are concerned, the Fuqahaa here too have permitted the Mutawallis of the Masjid to implement this. The implementation of this decision lies only with the Mutawallis of the Masjid, since have been appointed by the community.
It is apparent that the Mutawallis are the appointees of the community in matters of the Masjid and amenities. Their decisions in matters of the Masjid and its amenities are valid so long as they are justifiable by Shariah.
Similarly, it is also a need of the Masjid to lease those shoe racks so that the income can offset any expense incurred in maintaining those shoe racks, or for any other needs of the Masjid and its amenities.
It is also permissible to use lillah funds for these locks. Both, the lillah funds and the money earned from the locks cannot be termed as Waqf since the conditions of rendering something Waqf were not found. The same rule will apply to the amenities of the Masjid. They will not be considered as Waqf as long as it was not proclaimed Waqf. (Fataawa Mahmoodiyyah Vol. 10 Pg. 139/140).
Thus, attaching of doors and locks to the shoe racks does not tantamount to adulterating a Waqf. (Fataawa Mahmoodiyyah Vol. 10 Pg. 139/140) Besides, the Ulama have permitted any amenity to be included, joined and attached to the Masjid (which is Waqf) if it is in the interest of the Masjid.
It is a norm of our society that when collections are made for a Masjid the motive of collection and donation is for the actual Masjid and its amenities as well. The donors do not object for the use of their donations if it were used for its amenities as well. However, if any donor objects to the allocation of his donation then his donation should be returned to him. (Fataawa Mahmoodiyyah, Jawaahirul Fiqh Vol. 4 Pg. 142)
And Allaah Ta’aala knows best
Ismail Moosa (Mufti)
قال أبو بكر رحمه الله : و لو أن رجلا جعل أرضا له صدقة موقوفة لله أبدا علي قوم بأعيانهم و في وجوه سماها و جعل آخرها للمساكين هل له أن يؤاجرها و يدفعها مزارعة ؟ قال : نعم من قبل أن ولايتها إليه فله أن يعمل في ذلك ما يعمله الوالي لها . (أحكام الأوقاف للخصاف ص 172)
( و ) كما كره ( غلق باب المسجد ) إلا لخوف على متاعه به يفتى . (الدر المختار (5/ 71)
قال ابن عابدين في رد المحتار (1/ 656)
(قوله إلا لخوف على متاعه) هذا أولى من التقييد بزماننا لأن المدار على خوف الضرر، فإن ثبت في زماننا في جميع الأوقات ثبت كذلك إلا في أوقات الصلاة، أو لا فلا، أو في بعضها ففي بعضها، كذا في الفتح. وفي العناية: والتدبير في الغلق لأهل المحلة، فإنهم إذا اجتمعوا على رجل وجعلوه متوليا بغير أمر القاضي يكون متوليا انتهى بحر ونهر
فقد ذكر في الواقعات عن أبي حنيفة رحمه الله تعالي : لأهل المسجد أن يهدموا المسجد و يجددوا بناءه و يضعوا الحجاب و يعلقوا القناديل … و هذا إذا أرادوا أهل المسجد أن يفعلوا ذلك من مال أنفسهم فأما إذا أرادوا ذلك من مال الوقف ليس لهم ذلك إلا بأمر القاضي (الفتاوي التاتارخانية (5/844)
و ليس للموقوف عليه إجارة الوقف إلا أن يكون وليا من جهة الواقف أو نائبا عي القاضي فإذا آجره القاضي أو نائبه أو وليه لا تنفسخ الإجارة بموته لأنه كالوكيل عن الموقوف عليهم و العقد لا تنفسخ بموت الوكيل – (الفقه الإسلامي وأدلته 3 / 146)