Assalamualekum 1. Is Taraweeh salat obligatory ? 2. Can we pray 8 rakaat of Taraweeh as our safai brothers do ? 3. Is sunnate-moakeda obligatory salat ? if we do not offer sunnate moakkeda , What is the “harj” ?
(Fatwa: 1485/1487/M=1431)
(1) Tarawih is sunnat-e-muakkida.
(2) It is sunnah to offer twenty rakah. The sunnah will not be fulfilled by offering only eight rakah. Those who offer eight rakah they might be Ghair Muqallid who do not follow the sunnah of sahaba. The Shafi’is too offer twenty rakah tarawih.
(3) Yes, it is necessary. One shall be sinful if one does not offer it.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband