(Fatwa: 574/379/L=1431)
When you have the doubt about the drops of urination, go to bathroom or in a lone place and check, if you find drops wash it. Do not wash your clothes only due to doubt and suspicion otherwise you will fall sick of doubt.
(2) If those splashes do not fall on the body by mixing with any visible impurity, they are clean though you are having the ghusl of janabah.
وهو طاهر و لو من جنب و هوالظاهر (درمختار).
(3) The water used after passing urination gets unclean and impure; if it gets on the cloth it would become impure. If there is no impurity on the mug it is clean, the cloth would not be unclean by touching it.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband