(Fatwa: 160/166=D/1430)
Celebrating urs is innovation and unlawful. Celebrating urs is not proved from the Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم), his companions and their successors. The scholars of Fiqh have regarded it bidah (innovation) in the light of ahadith:
فیجب أن یحذر مما یفعلون علی رأس السنۃ من موتہ و یسمونہ حولا فیدعون الأکابر و الأصاغر ویعدون ذلک قربۃ وھي بدعۃ و ضلالۃ (تبلیغ الحق 797:1)
(2) One should avoid feeding at the time of urs in particular; since it is resemblance to the innovators which has been prohibited. If one wants to do isal-e-thawab one should feed the poor without fixing any date or give something in charity.
(3) Those who are killed in the path of Allah i.e. real shaheed, only they should be called shaheed. The Quran clearly mentions about the shaheeds that they are alive and they should not be called dead:
ولا تقولوا لمن یقتل في سبیل اللہ أمواتا بل أحیاء ولکن لا تشعرون
But, those who are called shaheed only by rule, they will not be called so.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband