As salam o Alaykum Hazrat, My question is that sometimes when I am constipated, while doing istinga I have to remove the feces by inserting my fingers in anus. I want to know if it is na-jaiz to do that. Is it a sin? Do I have to do ghusul if I have done this and if I do, would I have to repeat my prayers that I offered after doing this act? Jazakamullah Khairan Kathiran
(Fatwa: 275/275/M=1431)
There is no sin if it was done when it was necessary and it will not invite ghusl as well. Also, you will not have to repeat the prayers which you performed with wudhu after doing this act. You should get treatment from any hakim or doctor for constipation, in-shaAllah it will be cured.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband