Assalamualaikum.I am an unmarried girl.Please interpret the meaning of following dreams for me.Once I saw that there is barren land and i am walking fast on it.I keep on walking and came to a raod crossing.There I reaslise that there has been a huge war and most of the world is finished,only few people are left.It is night time.Some lights are lit up.There is a BUZURG dressed in white with long white beard having tasbeeh in hand.He is sitting on a charpai.As i reach there he starts following me.I lead people behind me.An walk on giving full AZAAN.Then I enter the masjid.I dont remember whether I read namaz alone or people read behind me. Next Dream-This dream occured when I was not selcted for MBBS exam even after lot of hard work and dua.That night I wept biiterly and asked ALLAH dont you love me?I saw I am in a fort accompanied by my cousin.There is a staircase leading downwards that leads to a doctors clinic.Many people are coming and going through the stairs.There are some sick people too.I give way to some sick people.They are very happy and give their blessings and say that in time when no one is waiting for anyone,thank you for your help.ANyways then I went down.Though I was so eager to meet the doctor.I dont even look at him and move out of his clinic.As soon as I move out.That is the end of this world.The scene changes.I am in a garden in akhirat.This is MEHFIL OF INAM(PRIZE )There is a beautiful ground with green grass.Females and males are sitting in dazzingly white dresses in separate rows.I am sitting there.I recognise some of my relatives there.Faraway there is stage.I cannot see anyone sitting there.A voice comes,today is the day of prize distribution,nd we will foremost provide honour to our most beloved,prophet MOHAMMED MUSTAFA SALALLAHU ALAIHIWASSALAM(pbuh).Then my eyes waver towards MOHAMMED MUSTAFA SALALLAHU ALAIHIWASSALAM(pbuh).I see his beautiful face,each and every detail even his eyelashes clearly though he is sitting in males rows.He is adorned with garland by ANGELS.He feels shy and lowers his gaze and smile.I was so hooked up and as i started feeling that what I am seeing ,I started becoming conscious,and looking more intently at our beloved prophets face,so that whe I wake up I can tell my mother how he looks.Suddenly the scene changes.It is time of JIHAD.We are in a fort in world.I am also armed and ready for JIHAD.We are preparing for fight. I keep seeing dreams where I have been appointed as a person to rise everyone in the city for prayers or reciting QURAN.I keep seeing myself preparing JIAHD against kaffirs.I am unmarried and still see many a times giving birth to babies(once even in a toilet with fire around),sometimes I am responsible for my children.Sometimes I am in garden and see flowers falling on me.Once I felt that ALLAH is beside me and I was showed JAHANNUM and punishment for sins.And then I am made to eneter JANNAH.It is a garden.I was in a church and threw water on a preist;s face.I also saw hazrat ISSA ALAIHSSALAM once.I keep getting religiouls oriented dreams.HAs ALLAH chosen me for something?IS HE giving me SIGNS of the responsibility I have.Please help me.
(Fatwa: 801/587=H/1430)
The interpretation of your dream is that Allah Ta’ala wants to select you to achieve piety, purity, transparent life, follow sunnah and Shariah and pursue the high morals of fitrah. This is the interpretation. There is warning too that you do not have pursuit in following the Shariah and firmness as much you should have. You should pay attention to fulfil this requirement. Study Bahishti Zewar, Hayatul Muslimeen, Fazail Amal and read them out for each other, in-shaAllah you will get much benefit.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband