(Fatwa: 935/935=J)
If you marry the boy without the consent of you parents, the nikah will be valid; you and the boy will be halal for each other, but in Islamic society it is disliked to marry without a guardian:
قال النبی صلی اللہ علیہ و سلم: لا نکاح الا بولیٍّ، رواہ أحمد، والترمذی، وأبوداؤد، و ابن ماجۃ والدارمی (مشکوۃ المصابیح: 370)
Therefore, it is advisable for you not to marry the boy rather communicate your parents by the mediation of your friends to send proposal of marriage to the same boy. You should convey that though the boy is not so rich but you like him. The parents also should consider the liking of their daughter; although, they boy is lower in family status but they should get their daughter married to him. The approval of girl should not be undermined only just for the sake of huge mahr and wedding ceremonies.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband