My nikah was held October 2007 after that she left my home and gone to her mothers house at her mothers house my son have been born We have kept my sons name Arhum as he was born but my wife’s mother has changed my son’s name and kept Labeb and my wife is also supporting her mother for that reason my wife is not agreeing my words ans my wifes mother is not letting my wife to come to my house and my wife is also agreed with her mothers words.The changing of my sons name i am not agreed for that name i they have not taken my permission for changing my sons name because i am not working in India i am out of India in Abu Dhabi so i want the answwer from you what will be the remedy for that and what is fatwa for this matter on behalf of Islamic affairs and hadith please kindly send me the answer as soon as possible. Regards!
(Fatwa: 2289/2084=D/1429)
Your wife should not have changed the name without your consent. If the mother and her family likes the name, then keep both the names: Arham and Labib; since a man can have more than one name such as Muhammad and Ahmad both are names of the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم). His grandfather named him Muhammad and his mother named him Ahmad. Or join both the names as Arham Labib. However, it is not a thing to fight over or have dispute about.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband