Is it permissible to fast with two intentions simultaneously sort of Qaza and nafl intention?
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
(Fatwa: 56/56/SD=02/1437)
It is lawful to make intention of qaza sawm in any nafl sawm. In such a case that sawm shall basically be counted as qaza, but if the day is marked with any virtues for keeping sawm then it is hoped that that virtues of that day shall also be achieved along with qaza sawm.
(يستفاد: صام في يوم عرفة مثل قضاء أو نذر ، أو كفارة ، ونوى معه الصوم عن يوم عرفة ، أفتى بعضهم بالصحة والحصول عنهما. شرح الأشباه والنظائر للحموي: 166، احسن الفتاوى: 4431)
Allah knows Best!
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband