Zaid married Anisa and they have two sons. Another couple Fahd married Shakila and they have three daughters. After all the children were in their teens Zaid and Shakila had casual sex a couple of times for which they have now repented and asked for forgiveness. Can the son of Zaid now marry the daughter of Shakila?
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
(Fatwa: 31/31/M=01/1436)
Shakila married Fahad and has three daughters from the same nikah. In the above mentioned case, the nikah of Zaid’s son is valid with Shakila’s daughter.
ويحل لأصول الزاني وفروعه اصول المزنى بها وفروعها (شامى).
Allah knows Best!
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband