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Paying For An Unsuccessful Repair

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Darulifta Azaadville


I gave someone a gadget of mine to fix. They then told me to give R500 for the repairs. Then with that money they bought the parts which was needed for my gadget to be fixed. After several attempts at trying to fix it and it didn’t work. So the person then told me that your gadget can’t be fixed. My question is must I get back my money or I get half of the amount I paid and he takes half because of his time and labour?



There are two types of Employees in Shariah:

Ajeer-e-khaas: A person who works for a particular employer e.g. teacher, office worker, domestic worker, etc.

Ajeer-e-mushtarak: A person who offers his services to the public e.g. carpenter, cobbler, etc.

The case mentioned in the question is that of an Ajeer-e-mushtarak. An Ajeer-e-mushtarak gets paid for his service and not for his time. At times, an Ajeer-e-mushtarak structures his fee according to the time he puts in completing the job e.g. a plumber or electrician charging R100 per hour. However his prime duty is to complete the job that is assigned to him. In this case, since completing the electrical or plumbing job is the purpose for which he is hired and not his time, he will be regarded as an Ajeer-e-mushtarak. 

The Shar’ee ruling with regard to an Ajeer-e-mushtarak is that he will only be entitled to receive a fee if he renders his service by completing the job assigned to him. If he does not render the required service, he will not be entitled to the fee. 

Therefore, you are entitled to get your R500 back due to the fact that he did not render you the required service (of completing the repair job).

Checked and Approved By:

Mufti Muhammed Saeed Motara Saheb D.B.

(‌الأجراء‌على ‌ضربين: مشترك وخاص، فالأول من يعمل لا لواحد) كالخياط ونحوه (أو يعمل لهعملا غير مؤقت) كأن استأجره للخياطة في بيته غير مقيدة بمدة كان أجيرا مشتركا وإنلم يعمل لغيره (أو موقتا بلا تخصيص) كأن استأجره ليرعى غنمه شهرا بدرهم كانمشتركا، إلا أن يقول: ولا ترعى غنم غيري وسيتضح. وفي جواهر الفتاوى: استأجر حائكالينسج ثوبا ثم آجر الحائك نفسه من آخر للنسج صح كلا العقدين؛ لأن المعقود عليهالعمل لا المنفعة (ولا يستحق المشترك الأجر حتى يعمل كالقصار ونحوه) كفتال وحمالودلال وملاح…

This answer was collected from the official Ifta website of Darul Uloom Azaadville, South Africa. Most of the answers are checked and approved by Mufti Muhammed Saeed Motara Saheb D.B.

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