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Marriage Refusals

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by CouncilofUlama.co.za

Q: I have a small story: My brother in law has a small shop and he rents a flat. By no means is he rich. He takes care of his mother, and he has also managed to save and take his mother for hajj. He has a 1400 bakkie which has two purposes, one for the shop and also to give him transportation.  He is 34 and we have been trying to get him married, but we run into the same problem over and over again. The girls all ask one question, can he take care of me at my standard. When they find out that he is renting a flat in town and he has a 1400 bakkie the girls are not interested. He is very religious and he prays all his salaats in jamat in the masjid and this does not mean anything to any of the girls. We have even spoken to girls who have much much less than he has and the girls are still not interested. This is a huge problem in South Africa. I know of people who are in the same situation who have gone to India to get a wife, because the South African girls are so demanding. Do you have any comments?

A:This is indeed a serious problem. Our beloved Nabi (sallalahu alayhi wasallam) has said that if a man proposes whom you are happy with his deen and character then get your daughters married to him because if you do not do so there will be widespread corruption in the earth. Our advice is that do not become despondent. However, continue making effort and dua because your partner has been decreed for you already.

Council of Ulama
Eastern Cape

This answer was collected from CouncilofUlama.co.za, which is operated under the supervision of Council of Ulama Eastern Cape, South Africa.

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