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Contraceptives and Hajj

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by CouncilofUlama.co.za

Q: I am planning to go to hajj this year. Someone told me to take contraceptives to stop periods during hajj. Can i take the tablets? My other question is that if in case I get my periods and I won’t be able to do tawafe ziyarat before coming back will my relation with my husband be considered haram unless and until I do the tawafe ziyarat? My third question is that if a women is pregnant is she allowed to go to hajj? Is there any ruling regarding this?

A: 1. A female should not interfere with her natural monthly cycle. However, due to unavoidable circumstances, for example due to experiencing her monthly cycle she will not be able to perform her fardh tawaaf – (Tawaafe Ziyarat) before the scheduled date of departure from Makkah Mukarramah, she may take medication (pill) to delay the monthly cycle.
2. When a person has completed his/her tawaaf ziyaarah then sexual intercourse between spouses is permitted. If tawaaf ziyaarah was not performed, under no circumstance will it be permissible to engage in sexual intercourse. (Mu’allimul Hujjaaj Pg 218)
3. According to Shariah, there is no such ruling against a pregnant woman to perform her fardh haj. However, from a medical point of view caution should be taken as to whether this woman is physically and mentally fit to carry out the rituals of haj. It should not be that by her going for haj, this becomes detrimental to her health and the health of her foetus. Therefore, consult with a doctor or gynaecologist as to whether she should go or not.

And Allah knows best

Aadiel Moosagie (Mufti)
Council of Ulama Eastern cape
+27 83 982 6968
[email protected]

This answer was collected from CouncilofUlama.co.za, which is operated under the supervision of Council of Ulama Eastern Cape, South Africa.

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