Q: How do I calculate missed salaahs of my late mum, if she has missed salaah for +/-65yrs and what amount should I be paying out?
A: The fidya for each salaah is one fitra amount, that is, the sadaqatul-fitr that is paid out on the occasion of Eidul-Fitr. In the Hanafi maz-hab one has to pay fidya for the witr salaah as well, making it 6 qadha a day. For each qadha one has to pay one fitra amount; so that’s 6 fitras for the day.
And if you calculate this over a period of 60 years for example, it will amount to well over a hundred thousand fitrah!
The ruling regarding fidya for a dead person is that if the deceased had left behind money and had instructed the heirs to pay his or her fidya from that money, then payment of fidya will be done up to one third of the estate. Over and above that, the heirs will not be obliged to pay any more fidya out for the deceased. Heirs are allowed to pay whatever they can afford on behalf of the deceased from their own pocket, and then make dua to Allah Ta’ala that He forgives the deceased for the unpaid salaah.
Mufti Siraj Desai