There are many conditions and prerequisites of a Mujtahid Mutlaq:
1. It is necessary to have knowledge of the Qur’aan
2. Knowledge of the practice and Sunnah of Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi
3. Knowledge of the sayings of the past Ulama in their consensus and
4. Knowledge of language
5. Knowledge of Qiyaas, i.e. the method of deriving a law from the Qur’aan
or Hadith if the law is not expressly in the Qur’aan, Sunnah or Ijmaa
(consensus of Ulama).
6. It will also be necessary to know the different aspects aspects of the
Qur’aan and Hadith, Naasikh (abrogating verses), Mansookh (abrogated verse),
Mujmal (unclear), Mufassir (explained) Khaas (specific), Aam (general),
Muhkam (firm).
7. A Mujtahid must recognize from the Sunnah, Sahih, Dhaeef, Musnad, Mursal.
He must know the sequence of Hadith upon the Qur’aan and vice versa so that
if any Hadith apparently looks contrary to the Qur’aan, he can find a
solution to it. He must know the sayings and Fatwas of the Sahaaba and Ulama
in laws so that he doesn’t go contrary to them and breaks consensus. If a
person understand all of this, only then will he be a Mujtahid.
If he don’t understand every one of these, he must follow a Mujtahid.
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai