Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Askimam.org » Is it shameful for an unmarried muslim teenager to be curious about Islam’s view on sex ?

Is it shameful for an unmarried muslim teenager to be curious about Islam’s view on sex ?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Askimam.org

As salaamu Alaikum Respected Mufti Taking into consideration that sex is a fact of life , is it shameful for an unmarried Muslim teenager to be curious about it and Islam’s view on it? Isn’t it better to eduacate Muslim teenagers in the Islamic viewpoint rather than they receiving distorted and unislamic infomation from their friends.Isn’t it the duty of the parent to impart such knowledge? Jazakallh for the Masha Allah site Was salaam


It will be the duty of a Muslim parent to educate his/her teenage child on
matters pertaining to the child’s deen and not necessarily the intimate
things of life. Whe the parent notices that the young teenager is at the age
of maturity then with tact and wisdom the parent should explain the Islaamic
injunctions and laws which will now apply to the child. For example, the
teenager should be made to understand that the removing of pubic hairs is
necessary and that after a nocturnal emmission, a compulsory bath will have
to be taken and the different rulings applying to young girls who will be
experiencing menstruation.

This will be sufficient for a parent to explain to his/her teenage child.
More than this is not totally necessary unless the child has to ask or the
parent feels a need to explain such intimate things. Also, one should note
that between parent and child there should exist a certain degree of shame
and modesty. This is desired between a parent and child relationship or else
there will be no sense of respect for the parent which could be detrimental
for the nurturing and imbibement of good qualities and etiquette in the
child. If modesty and shame is prevlent in the parent/shild relationship
then such an explicit discussion will be quiet strange and uncomfortable.

As time goes on in a teenager’s life, gradually he/she will learn the facts
of life as this system prevailed from before till now.

and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ebrahim Desai

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This answer was collected from Askimam.org, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai from South Africa.

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