I have dreamed a sort of same kind of dream two or three times. In it fellow muslims are praying but they are praying the wrong way. Each one making his own type of mistake. This was in a masjid. Each one was praying a different way. In one of the other dreams I am praying in congregation and the brothers are praying the wrong way and i copy them. What does this all mean? Why do I always see people praying the wrong way in my dreams? Also I would like to ask you about Lucid dreaming – It is when you realize you are dreaming while you ar e dreaming. This means you can do whatever you want since it is all your imagination and it feels very real. I was just wondering what islamic rules I have to follow. I am I still allowed to haraam things like fantisize about women when I dream? What about intercorse in the dream – it is sort of like mastubration since it leads to ejaculation since your brain thinks you are actually having intercorse. Sometimes when you aren’t that “lucid” (meaning you are not so aware you are dreaming) you act on impulse and what comes to mind first is often women. Is this lucid dreaming alright? Do islamic rules still apply in it? I find I can subsitute lucid dreaming for TV since it comes in the entertainment category and I can skip tv watching and do work and multi task my sleeping to sleep and fun.
Respected Brother-in-Islam
Assalaamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakaatuhu
1. People performing Salaat in different direction is a reflection of the
disunity in the Ummah.
2. There are three types of dreams, a) pious dreams, b) Evil (Shaytaani)
dreams, c) Reflection of one’s thoughts. When one sees an evil dream, upon
realising that, he/she should recite Laa hawla Walaa Quwwata Illaa billaahi
and change directions. It is not permissible to continuously fantasise over
evil things (masturbation, etc.) during semi-sleep. Furthermore, lucid
dreaming is not the solution to TV. Entertainment and fun is permissible
only within the parameters of Shari’ah. Masturbation, sex, fantasising over
women are all strictly prohibited in Shari’ah. We advise you recite Surah
Mulk, beginning of Juz 29 of the noble Qur’aan, the last four Quls (last
four Surahs of the noble Qur’aan) commencing with Surah Kaafiroon before
sleeping. Think and ponder about your shortcomings during the day and make
Tawbah before sleeping as one does not know whether his soul will be
released from Allah to live another day. What if the soul is kept back to
die whilst having such bad and evil thoughts? Such a soul will be deprived
of the mercy of Allah Ta’ala. Before sleeping, ponder upon death and life
after death. Insha Allah, Allah will bestow you with good and pious dreams,
the enjoyment of which is far exceeding than the restlessness ‘enjoyment’ of
lucid dreams.
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai