Respected Brother-in-Islam
Assalaamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakaatuhu
We have not been able to locate any specific Du’aa or Surah to be recited
upon this occasion. One should, however, ask Allah Ta’ala for Barkat
(blessings), mercy and a good outcome. The following Du’aas could be
1. ‘Allaahumma Ahsin aaqibatanaa fil umoori kullihaa wa ajirnaa min
khizyiddunya wa adhaabil aakhira’ (Oh Allah, grant us a good outcome in all
our matters and save us from worldly disgrace and punishment in the
hereafter). (Hisnul Haseen pg.469; Darul Ishaat)
2. Allaahumma innee as-aluka min fadhlika wa rahmatika fa innahuu la yamliku
haa illaa anta
One should also be sure to say ‘Salaam’ whenever entering the home as this
will be a source of blessings for himseld and the members of his household.
Together with this, he should recite the Masnoon Du’aas for entering a home
as follows:
Allaahumma innee as-aluka kharal mawlaj wa khairal makhraj. Bismillaahi
walajnaa wa bismillaahi kharajnaa wa alallaahi rabbinaa tawakkalnaa
It is advisable also that Dhikr (remembrance of Allah) and Salaat take place
regularly to ensure that divine blessings remain in the home and the lives
of its occupants. It is our humble suggestions that a few Ahaadith from
Fadhaail-e-Aamaal of Shaykh Zakariyya be read daily as Ahaadith create
special Noor (light) in the home.
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai