Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Askimam.org » Is it wrong to think of Allah when are you taking a shower? For example is it wrong to do dua and ask for forgiveness while you are in the shower?

Is it wrong to think of Allah when are you taking a shower? For example is it wrong to do dua and ask for forgiveness while you are in the shower?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Askimam.org

1. What does Ammar mean? Is it a suitable name for a boy? 2. What does Amna and Sofia mean? Are they suitable names for girls? 3. Is it wrong to think of Allah when are you taking a shower? For example is it wrong to do dua and ask for forgiveness while you are in the shower? 4. If you have not done nikkah with your husband and you refuse to have sex, will Allah punish you for not keeping your husband happy? (we had a court marriage which I know is wrong) Also if I was to leave my husband and marry someone who is willing to do nikkah am wrong? ( I have a child with this man) 5. How do you ask forgiveness when you can not forgive yourself?


1. Ammar means one with a long life. It could also mean one who is tolerant, one who performs salah in abundance, one who cause the land to become inhabited etc. (Ma’anil Asmaa)

2. Safiyyah means one who is a close friend, beloved and sincere. Amana means one who is peaceful and provide protection and security. (Ibid)

3. One can think of Allah when having a shower and make dua in his heart. As for reading duas verbally, if the bathroom is extremely clean with no impurities in it, then one could recite duas as long as ones awrah is covered. If the awrah is uncovered or the bathroom is dirty, then one should not take the name of Allah Ta’ala or recite duas in such a place. (Ahsanul Fatawa Vol.2 Pg.36)

4. If you never conducted a marriage with this man, who refuses to marry you, then you should instantly break off ties with him and end this adulterous relationship which is earning you the anger of Allah. If you never married him in a manner acceptable in shariah, then he isn’t your husband and none of the rights of a husband apply to him. You can find another person to marry. However, it should be borne in mind that if you said he takes you as his wife and you accepted in the presence of two mature Muslim witnesses then your nikah as taken place.

5. Remember that Allah Ta’ala is the All-Forgiving. He has more love for us than we have for ourselves, thus even if we cannot forgive ourselves, we should have hope in Allah Ta’ala that he will forgive us. Make the Zikr of Allah regularly, for Allah Ta’ala has stated that Zikr brings contentment to the heart.

and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Ml. Husain Kadodia
STUDENT: Darul Ifta

CHECKED & APPROVED: Mufti Ebrahim Desai

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This answer was collected from Askimam.org, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai from South Africa.

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