IS IT MUST TO DO BAIT I have spent some time with Jammat and keep going with them regularly. We keep hearing from different people about the Bait and its implications and positive effects. I have also read in Fadail-e-Ammal at one place that one must make effort to find some ?Wali? who could guide him to have intimate relation with Allah SWT. I want to know, (1) Is it must to do bait and if bait is not done the person will be committing a sin. (2) How to find a Wali and be sure that he is the right person to do bait. (3) If bait is made and the person to whom bait is made he stop from going with Jammat then what to do. (4) Can you tell the name of some Bzurg in Pakistan to
The purpose of Bay?at is to adopt an effective way to reform oneself. It is a natural tendency of mankind to adhere to the guidance and advises by someone he has confidence in. If one has confidence in a particular saintly person, he will follow the guidance and advises of that person.
It is a means of the spiritual upliftment of oneself by witnessing the practices a saintly person and imitating him towards gaining the recognition of Allah. Such an attitude is also adopted in worldly sciences as well. The most important characteristic in a saintly person is strict adherence to Qur’aan, Hadith and Shari?ah. His life is governed by the Sunnah of Rasululullah [Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam] when you look at such a person, you think of Allah. The Ulama are inclined towards such a person and also refer to him.
There are many people engaged in Da?awa and Tabligh but also thread the path of sulook and spiritual upliftment. In brief, Sulook is to be conscious of Allah’s presence and accountability in the court of Allah at all times. That is the driving force to be true to Allah and obey Him. In Pakistan, you may refer to Mufti Taqi Usmani Saheb, Hadhrat Hakim Akhtar Saheb and Dr Sabir Saheb. All are well known personalities there.
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai