According to the Shari?ah, an adult female has an independent right to choose her marriage partner. If she made a choice and marry a Muslim person from a different caste or creed, it will be valid even though her parents refuse her to marry for whatever reason.
The above is the Shar’ee rule and principle. We wish to advise that marriage is a major step in one’s life. It has long lasting implications. It is important to consult seniors and consider their opinions as they are based on experience and wisdom in life. Furthermore, the parent’s advise is generally motivated by love and concern.
While we clearly state that Shari?ah does not prohibit marrying a Muslim male of any caste and creed, Shari?ah has considered Kafaat (compatibility). A marriage is a life long commitment between two couples. It is expected of them to lead a life of happiness and harmony. For that, compatibility plays an integral role. If the couples are not compatible due to any reason, then that defeats the purpose of marriage. Non-compatibility may lead to marital problems and divorce. This is a common problem in our society. It is, therefore, important to consider one’s options and opinion of one’s parents. If one is doubtful, then seek assistance through Istikhaara.
Do not disconsider the opposite view in such an important aspect of one’s life. It may be too late before one regrets. Life and time are too dear to be lost due to an irresponsible decision.
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai