Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Askimam.org » I am of an age to perform nikaah. Please advise me CONCISELY & COMPLETELY (how i should go for a proposal) on the steps that should be taken to fulfill this important sunnah.

I am of an age to perform nikaah. Please advise me CONCISELY & COMPLETELY (how i should go for a proposal) on the steps that should be taken to fulfill this important sunnah.

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Askimam.org

Your zeal to learn the procedure to fulfil the Sunnah of Nikah is encouraging. May Allah Ta’ala increase your zeal to educate yourself in Shari?ah, Aameen.

When a person intends undertaking an important task, he should do the following:

1. Make Du’aa to Allah Ta’ala for guidance.

2. Perform Salaat of need (Haajat)

3. Offer some charity according to one’s means.

4. Consult with one’s seniors and pious people

5. Consult with the Ulama and enquire if the advise given is according to the Shari?ah if you are doubtful.

6. If you have identified (see) a girl for marriage, then you should discuss that with your seniors

7. Enquire about the girl, her character and conduct, etc. Her Deeni inclination is of utmost importance

8. Also enquire about the family. The temperament and nature of the family (parents in particular) plays a crucial role in one’s marriage life

9. Once you are satisfied and do not have any reservations, then the seniors of the family should identify an appropriate person to send a proposal

10. If you have reservations, then make Istikhaara and follow the rules of Istikhaara

11. Once the proposal is sent, turn your gaze on Allah and make du’aa that Allah must grant an outcome which is best for your acceptance or refusal

12. Whatever is the response, be happy and content with that

13. Do not propose for a girl who is inclined towards another proposal

14. If you receive a positive response, try to perform the Nikah as soon as possible and with the least amount of expenses incurred

15. Lead your marriage life according to the Sunnah

and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ebrahim Desai

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This answer was collected from Askimam.org, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai from South Africa.

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