Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Askimam.org » I committed zina with a muslim girl who had done it before once. i had wanted to marry her when i didnt know she was zayin, and still do now. please advise

I committed zina with a muslim girl who had done it before once. i had wanted to marry her when i didnt know she was zayin, and still do now. please advise

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Askimam.org

I have committed zina with a muslim girl who had comitted zina with someone else before. her fiance. i had been a virgin prior to that. i feel the iman dropping in my heart, but my repentance is helping. however, i want to marry this girl. despite her mistakes, and mine. please advise. i am young, and seek help. i was trying to help her with her problems from when she broke up with her fiance. and this happened. the hadeeth regarding a zayin marrying a zayin only deeply disturbs me. please help. i am a devoted muslim, i read my quran and salat regularly. i dont know how this happened to me to be honest.


We have repeatedly cautioned our readers on the importance of Hijaab. It is Haraam for a Ghayr Mahram (not prohibited in marriage) male to associate with a Ghayr Mahram female without strict adherence to Hijaab irrespective of any sympathetic situation of a female.

Dear brother, you state you are devoted Muslim. You read Qur’aan and perform Salaat and you intended to assist the girl but ended up making Zina with her. You state you do not know how that happened. How will a person shocked with live wire account for his shock? It is simple. He will attribute it to being by the livewire.

A woman by nature is an object of attraction. Her state of grief and agony is like a livewire waiting to burn anything in its surrounding. You presented your naked Nafs to a women with an electric feeling and expect not to be burned. How can you then state that you do not know how it happened? We advise that marriage is a big step and you should exercise extreme precaution in choosing your marriage partner. The woman in reference has been with another person, then with you. What guarantee you have she will not betray you and be with a third person and more.

You cannot expect to live with such a woman. You should discuss the issue with your seniors and make an informed decision based on insight, realities of life and experience. Do not marry someone on weak grounds. Your sympathies for the woman may soon translate into grief and depression for you but it may be too late. She may then be carrying your child or even be the mother of your child, thus creating a compound problem for you. Be careful. Nevertheless, according to the Shari?ah, it is permissible to marry a Zaaniya (adulteress). The marriage will be valid.

and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ebrahim Desai

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This answer was collected from Askimam.org, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai from South Africa.

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