I went to a cocktail function with work and not knowing the ppl was eating pork sosaties. I thought it was chicken or fish. One person touched me on my leg and the other on my jacket as well as another touching the chair i was sitting in.
The lady that i was with, wasa eating these sosaties. she had her bag with her across her shoulder.
What i wanted to know is that, if she touched her bag while eating this Haraam stuff, will her bag become contaminated? and if she didnt wash her bag since, will it still be considered contaminated if it happened almost 3 months ago? i ask these questions coz she comes to work with that bag and constantly comes to my work station, putting that bag where ever she wants at my work station…even to an extent of touching me or hitting me with the bag. Whenever this happens, i feel like i am having an anxiety attach
The bag of that woman will not be contaminated. The bag will be pure. If you touch the bag, you will not become impure.
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai