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Could you tell me if I could lead salah in following cases; If there is no haafiz in followers

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Askimam.org

salams, I am becoming hafiz at late age and have done almost 4 siparaas, and I have one fist beared aswell. I have mortgage from last couples of years that i am trying to get rid. Could you tell me if I could lead salah in following cases;

1.0) If there is no haafiz in followers

2.0) If there is some one with one fist beared

3.0) If my wife want to follow me

4.0) If there is someone with treammed beared 

5.0) In which case I can lead namaz


In principle, if a person commits a major sin, he is a Faasiq (transgressor). It is Makrooh to appoint a Faasiq as an Imaam. However, if a Faasiq sincerely repents, and he endervours in reforming himself, he will no longer be a Faasiq and he can lead the congregation.

Alhamdulillah, you have a Sunnah beard and also memorising the Qur’aan. You have also realised your wrong in taking out a mortgage and you are trying to get rid of it, you are not a Faasiq. It is permissible for you to be an Imaam in all the situations mentioned by you. In the case of leading your wife, she should be directly behind you and not in line with you.

and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ebrahim Desai

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This answer was collected from Askimam.org, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai from South Africa.

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