Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Askimam.org » Could u please provide information regarding etiquetes of toilet. I have a problem, after urinating, I sometimes suspect that a drop leaks out a few minutes after leaving the toilet

Could u please provide information regarding etiquetes of toilet. I have a problem, after urinating, I sometimes suspect that a drop leaks out a few minutes after leaving the toilet

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Askimam.org

Could u please provide information regarding etiquetes of toilet. I have a problem, after urinating, I sometimes suspect that a drop leaks out a few minutes after leaving the toilet. It is almost impossible to be sure but on a few occasions at home I have squeezed the top of my penis and found a drop come out.On other occasions i have found the tip to have a drop. I try as much as possible to use a low pan, and this seems to help but i cannot be sure. This sitution disturbs me greatly especially during namaaz.I have on occasion walked out of the musjid not knowing whether I was paak or not.

Could u suggest a method of using a high pan and low pan to eliminate doubt. I dont think I have a medical problem, as this feeling lasts up to half an hour only of using the toilet. I have tried standing up and then sitting again, without much luck.


We advise that you consult a medical doctor to establish whether you do have a medical problem. Notwithstanding, we mention a few guidelines that may assist in alleviating your condition:

1. Do not engage or entertain unnecessary doubt or suspicion in this matter;

2. Do not be hasty in the toilet. Spend a few extra moments in the toilet to ensure that you have completely relieved yourself. This may be achieved by coughing or by moving your body such that your body weight is supported by your left leg, i.e. lean to your left.

3. Visit the toilet at least half an hour before you intend making Wudhu;

4. After performing Istinjaa, place tissue paper in your underpants to prevent soiling of clothing in the event of droppings;

5. Remove the toilet paper before performing Wudhu;

6. After Istinjaa, sprinkle drops of water over the private parts. This is vital in removing doubts.

and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ebrahim Desai

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This answer was collected from Askimam.org, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai from South Africa.

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