Right now I”m very religious and not watching movies, music and almost 5 time namazi, Alhumdillah. But at my home they are all Ismaili, My dad and mom except my grandmother who is Sunni. So they have pictures of ‘Aga Khan” all over the house, except my room and my grandmothers. Their are always arguments with my parents because of how much religious I am. They wont let me grow a beard, sunnat. I’ve tryed many times, but got in big arguments for weeks.
Since they are your source of life in this world, they are entitled to your honour, respect and kindness. Be polite with them and try to reason with them about the truth.
Where they instruct you to act against Islamic law, refuse politely. You are not allowed to displease Allah by contravening His Divine commandments even if the parents are hurt. In short, be good to them without contravening the laws of the Shari’ah.
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Muhammad Kadwa