Is it permissible to obtain food at a subsidized rate from a cafeteria and not consume it all at once but save some of it and consume it at some other time? In effect; he is paying for just one meal and eating it on two separate occasions. This is possible because the amount of food served for a single meal is enough to be consumed at two different occasions. Someone has informed that it is HARAM to consume the food saved from one meal at some other time.
The food purchased from a cafeteria like the food purchased from a restaurant is purchased on the basis of complete ownership.
Hence, one may do with it as he pleases. He may eat all of it there or he may take it away with him. On what basis have you been informed that it is Haraam?
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Muhammad Kadwa
CHECKED & APPROVED: Mufti Ebrahim Desai