Assalamu alaikum. 1.Is salaat valid without surah Fatihah? 2. How does a person who cannot wash his legs take wudu? 3. Why does it take so long to answer querstion number 10389? Please, even if you have answer in you web site, answer me, as I find it difficult to find it on your web site.
1. It is Wajib (necessary) to recite Surah Faatiha in Salaat. (Tahtawi pg.200; Qadeemi). If one omits Surah Faatiha forgetfully, he/she may recompensate by making Sajda-e-Sahwa at the end, thus, making the Salaat valid and complete. (Ibid). Note: According to the Hanafi Madhab, the Muqtadi should not recite Surah Faatiha behind the Imaam as his recitation will suffice for the Muqtadi. If a person omits Surah Faatiha deliberately, that will invalidate the Salaat. Making Sajda Sahw will not suffice.
2. If a person is unable to wash any limb of his body during Wudhu due to certain reasons, he may ask someone to wash it for him or if that is not possible, he/she must wash whatever limb is possible and leave out whatever is not possible. (Shaami vol.1 pg.102; HM Saeed)
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai