1. Is it permitted to accept “hadyah” (not wages) for leading taraweeh prayers in Ramadhan? This is given at the completion of the Qur-aan and is not given from the Masjid’s ‘Lillah’ funds but by a few people with that intention. 2. Some say that the Eid prayer is also waajib upon the women. Give relevant (a)hadith to state the reason for their exemption from performing it, as is the widely accepted ruling. 3. Is salaah performed on the plane accepted? I ask this because we were once on a flight and there was a scholar, who was with us, who sat all the while whilst we made the effort to perform wudhu and pray salaah (with Jamaa’ah Alhamdulillah). However, upon landing, he informed us that not only is it not necesary to perform the salaah in the air during a flight, it is NOT accepted and the missed salaah should be performed together after landing. We were, thus, made to repeat the salaah. I was sure the salaah is valid on the plane. Please comment. Jazaakumullah Khayr.
1. If a person is performing Taraweeh in the Masjid where it is not a custom to give the Imam any Hadyaa (gift) for leading the Taraweeh Salaah, then it will be permissible for him to accept the Hadyaa given to him by the people of that Masjid. However, if the Hadyaa is offered in such a place where every year the Imam is presented a gift, then it will not be permissible to accept the Hadyaa and it will be regarded as wages. (Fataawaa Rahimiyyah, Vol. 4, Page 387-388)
2. If a person performs Salaah in an aircraft, then the Salaah will be valid whether the aircraft is on the ground or in flight. There is absolutely no need to repeat ones Salaah after leaving the aircraft. (Imdaadul Fataawaa, Vol. 1, Page 395, Jadeed Fiqhi Masaail, Vol. 1, Page 50)
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Muhammad Ashraf