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3) What if you did the above but missed the last sitting of tashahud?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Askimam.org

1) If after tashahud in last rakah you get up and start an extra 5th rakah and you remember when you have recited some of surah fatiha do you cpmplete it and then sit back down or stop where you are? 2) What if you have only said the first word and then you realise your mistake? Do you do sajdah as ?sahw for this? 3) What if you did the above but missed the last sitting of tashahud? 4). If you make a mistake in pronouncing even one word in salah do you have to make sajdah as-sahw e.g you said a word with a ?seen? rather than a ?saad? , or you said a word wrong and then repeated it correctly? 5). What breaks wudu for a woman because a woman has more private parts than a man and hence wind or something is released from these as well. Could you please explain this and whether or not they break wudu. 6). Can you touch another womans back, thighs or stomach for reasons such as massaging them due to illness, or accidentally when hugging to greet her? What if she is your mother, sister aunt, etc?What about the thighs of your brother or father if they have illness and need to be massaged? Can your brother touch your back or even stomach in brotherly playfulness? Obviously all the above are with the awrah covered. 7). A woman must not lie under same cover as another woman. Does this aply to women who are mothers,,sisters etc to each other? And what age must you separate brothers and sisters from each other in bed? Jazak Allah Khairun.


1. You should sit immediately and make Sajdah-e-Sahw for this. (Shami)

2. Refer 1 above

3. You should return immediately and make Sajdah-e-Sahw for this. (Ibid)

4. Sajdah-e-Sahw does not have to be made. If major changes occurred in the meaning due to this mistake and it was not correct, the Salaat will have to be repeated.

5. Wind being released from the vagina of a woman does not invalidate the Wudhu. (Fathul Qadeer)

6. Touching the parts of the body at the time of need without passion is permissible. if there is fear of Fitnah, passion, etc. then it will not be permissible.

7. The age of separating brothers/sisters from each other in bed is from 10 years onwards.

and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ebrahim Desai

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This answer was collected from Askimam.org, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai from South Africa.

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