Iv wronged a muslim but was unaware I was wronging this muslim at the time because I felt as if I was getting in the way of this muslim’s life, however the middleman in this caused some misconceptions between us. My withdrawal from this relationship might have caused this muslim harm. Im so confused I wish I could apologise to this muslim but I cannot find them. What can I do? The guilt is really getting to me and im afraid Allah will punish me for this injustice. how do i know tht person has forgiven me?
1. The regret and guilt that you suffer is an indication of your repentance. You may continue making Tawbah (repentance) from this injustice until such time you feel Allah has forgiven you. Allah Ta’ala does not punish a person for a sin he repents from.
2. If all efforts to trace the person have failed, you should make Du’aa on behalf of this person. Perhaps your Du’aas in favour will alleviate injustice you have inflicted upon him.
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Muhammad Kadwa