I have purchased a product that is to be applied externally onto the body. The product helps strengthen the bones and in particular promotes growth. However, this product contains ?Gelatine?. Although I am not consuming this but applying it externally, is this alright according to shariah? Also, can I pray salat with Gelatine on my body?
We cannot comment on the source of gelatine used in this product. Many
products nowadays have adequate alternatives. Therefore, if there is an
adequate alternative, you should use that. If there is no alternative for a
medication, it is permissible to use medicine that contains gelatine.
The medication should be preferably applied during the night so that no
Salaat may be performed with the product on your body. However, if it is
necessary to apply it during the day, you will be excused from performing
Salaat with it.
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai