The jews call their state “Israel”,the Quraan refered to the jews as children of “Israel” 1400 years ago.Why have they named there state after the exact Quraanic reference ? Please give detailed explanation.
Israel is a Hebrew word, the equivalent of Abdullah in Arabic, which means
the ‘servant of Allah’.
This was the title given to Hadhrat Ya’coob (Alayhis salaam) by the Jews. He
had 12 sons by which the Qur’aan makes reference to as ‘al-Asbaat’ (12 sons
of Ya’coob) (Baqar Aayat136). The 12 tribes of Israel emerged from the
progeny of these 12 sons. Hence, they are addressed in the Qur’aan as ‘Banu
Israaeel’ (children of Israel, i.e. Ya’coob (Alayhis salaam)). So, it is
clear that the Jews have been synonymous with the name Israel since before
Nabi (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam), thus, before the revelation of the Qur’
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai